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Thank you George and Barry!

We had another round of celebrations this week at Primex to congratulate two of our longest serving members of the team: George Dickie and Barry Wedgwood!

It was George's turn to celebrate 10 years of hard work with Primex. George is a well-loved member of the Primex team and we all joined in thanking George for his contribution to making Primex a better place. George is one of the leading reasons we are able to keep Primex in tip-top condition and a place we're proud to work in.

Next up was Barry who received a big congratulations for his 20 years with Primex. Barry is one of the ​driving forces working behind the scenes at Primex which has helped make it into the business it is today. Barry joined Primex on day one, when it opened back in 1998 and has stuck with us ever since. Barry works as Production Manager spending the majority of his time in production working on the sheets we produce, as well as working with Gary planning orders.

We're so happy to have both George and Barry working with us at Primex and look forward to congratulating their next achievements.

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